Cancer Wellness Program

About the program

Do you know that?

The survival rate of cancer patients after 5 years is increasing positively, thanks to early detection as well as improvements in healthcare and treatment. However, cancer patients often face various issues related to physical and mental health due to the disease itself as well as the side effects of the treatment therapies.

Therefore, Cancer Wellness Program was established to improve physical and mental well-being, manage the symptoms, and enhance the quality of life for cancer patients.

This is a 12-week program accompanying cancer patients. Each week, participants will be provided with necessary information on how to take care of their health, and ways to manage the symptoms. In addition, exercise and meditation programs will be provided to encourage them to improve their physical activity, thereby contributing to improving symptoms affecting health and enhancing the quality of life. All information is presented in a concise, clear way with illustrations, videos, etc.

A special feature of this program is that participants are guided to monitor and improve their symptoms after cancer treatment through a mobile application called i-CanManage ( translated as "I can manage my health." ) integrated with smartwatch tracking functions.

Our program aims to bring positive impacts on the physical and mental health of cancer patients, thereby contributing to improving their quality of life.

